Understanding Your Options

All-Laser LASIK reshapes the cornea with advanced laser technology.
- Treat both eyes at the same time
- Over 99% of our nearsighted patients see 20/20 or better
- Accurate and save
- Accurately corrects distance vision & astigmatism
- DOES NOT: Cannot give a range of focus. However, MonoVision LASIK is an option for those pre-adapted patients.
- DOES NOT: Patients will eventually need cataract surgery

Refractive Lens Exchange replaces your eye’s natural lens with an intraocular lens (IOL).
- Same procedure as cataract surgery
- Little to no dependence on glasses at all distances
- Accurate and safe
- DOES NOT: Only performed on one eye at a time
- DOES NOT: Potential for some rings around lights or glare
RLE Self-Test
If you’re over 45, and have not developed cataracts, and want to see clearly without the constant need for glasses or contacts, RLE may be right for you. Find out if you’re a candidate with our self-test
A Few Things to Consider
At what distance do you spend most of your visual time? Far for driving or watching TV? Intermediate for most computer work? Near for small print or working on numbers on a computer screen? What part of your life would be most improved by clear vision?
Patients nearing or already in their 50’s or 60’s should consider the longevity of their procedure. While LASIK is meant to be a permanent correction to the imperfections of their cornea, cataracts will eventually impair the vision and will need to be removed. However, cataracts can form at any time and cannot be predicted as to when that will occur.
The IOL will take longer for final clarity of vision, and inherent in some design of the lenses, there will be rings around lights or glare noticeable at night. For most patients, this lessens over time and does not interfere with their activities.